Impact of storage on β-carotene content of spirulina produce in Burkina Faso


  • Boubacar SAVADOGO
  • Fabrice BATIONO
  • Hermann Biènou LANOU
  • Charles PARKOUDA
  • Augustin Nawidimbasba ZEBA


Spirulina, Storage, β-carotene, Burkina Faso


Spirulina is a food supplement rich in micronutrients including vitamins. It is a beneficial food for humans and the WHO calls it a "superfood" because it has a high nutritional value. This study aimed to assess the impact of storage on the levels of β-carotene in sun-dried spirulina. This is an analytical study which involves determining the levels of β-carotene in sun-dried spirulina using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The average content of β-carotene in spirulina before storage was 35.55 mg / 100

  1. After six months of storage, the average content of β-carotene went down to 21.36 mg / 100 g. This

constitutes a loss in β-carotene of 40%. Drying and packaging are the best means of commercial distribution of spirulina. The loss of nutritional values during storage of spirulina leads to rapid consumption after the harvest of spirulina.



How to Cite

SAVADOGO, B. ., BATIONO, F., LANOU, H. B., OUATTARA-SONGRE, L. ., PARKOUDA, C. ., & ZEBA, A. N. (2024). Impact of storage on β-carotene content of spirulina produce in Burkina Faso. Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 42(1), 1–11. Retrieved from